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Original Title: | Jo Confesso ISBN13 9788363656713 |
Edition Language: | Polish |
Literary Awards: | Internationaler Literaturpreis – Haus der Kulturen der Welt Nominee (2012), Premi Ciutat de Barcelona (2013), Premi de la Crítica de narrativa catalana (2011), Premi Joan Crexells de narrativa (2011), Prix Jan Michalski Nominee for Longlist (2014) International Dublin Literary Award Nominee (2016), Premi Crítica Serra d’Or (2012), Premi Narrativa M.Àngels Anglada (2012), Premi Tormenta en un Vaso (2012), Prix Courrier International (2013) |

Jaume Cabré
ebook | Pages: 118 pages Rating: 4.41 | 4845 Users | 634 Reviews
Describe Out Of Books Wyznaję
Title | : | Wyznaję |
Author | : | Jaume Cabré |
Book Format | : | ebook |
Book Edition | : | Special Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 118 pages |
Published | : | February 20th 2013 by Marginesy (first published September 1st 2011) |
Categories | : | Fiction. Cultural. Spain. Historical. Historical Fiction. European Literature. Spanish Literature |
Commentary To Books Wyznaję
Wyznaję zachwyca czytelników i krytyków.To trzymające w napięciu do ostatniej strony wyznanie miłosne i spowiedź człowieka starającego się przeniknąć istotę zła – w świecie i sobie samym. Historia chłopca dorastającego samotnie wśród książek, który musi zmierzyć się z rodzinnymi tajemnicami. Za sprawą osiemnastowiecznych skrzypiec zagłębia się w mroki dziejów hiszpańskiej inkwizycji i piekła dwudziestowiecznej Europy.
Cabré, którego pasją jest muzyka, skomponował tę powieść jak symfonię, z częstymi zmianami nastroju, tempa i głosu narracji. Bogactwo wątków, postaci, pomysłów literackich oszałamia i wzbudza zachwyt.
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Rating Out Of Books Wyznaję
Ratings: 4.41 From 4845 Users | 634 ReviewsArticle Out Of Books Wyznaję
The lifelong quest of Adrià after the nature of evil becomes an epic panorama of the century in which mankind lost its innocence the second time. He becomes another Faust, where the devil has been replaced by history.This is a complex book, blurring time and space, through language, music, literature, philosophy and art. For me, this has been the best book read this year so far, in a very good year. I have my doubts it will be topped.I read the German translation, which I found more vividOh my God this book is SO FUCKING AWESOME. I'm almost afraid to read the rest of Cabre's books (which, typically, I've already hoarded - thank God for small, manageable French editions) in case they don't stand up to this masterpiece. I mean, give this guy a Nobel Prize already.
It's been a while since I've read a book that made me cry. This great epic made me cry. Absolutely recommended.

Jo Confesso is a book by the Catalan writer Jaume Cabre, a celebrated novel which caused ripples of fascination both due to its form and its content. It is difficult to classify as it combines the form of the confessional autobiography/memoir, the intertextuality and self-referentiality of a post-modern novel , it is original in the way it introduces and develops its characters, it reveals its subject matter in a detective, sort of whodunit way. For the sake of the review, however, I will make
This is the longest love letter i've ever read! - long as the whole life of main character. This conffesion is interesting on so many levels.. It deals with history (from 13 to 20th century), people who've marked it, question of power and evil, inhumanity.. All of which are connected by music, by violin and it's mysterious origins. The fate of one hides the fate of whole generations...What story makes even more special, is it's style. The first half of the book is really complex and challenging.
This is the sort of book that leaves me with the feeling: Did I really grasp what it was all about? Did I miss something? All this to say that this is not a straightforward story. It jumps from one timeframe to another. New characters are introduced that leave you wondering: what part do they play in the whole of this story? However, in the end everything eventually sort of makes sense, but I really had to persevere at times. What definitely appealed to me were the various stories inside the
Confessions (a.k.a. the one about the violin) is a brilliant novel that I would sincerely recommend to anyone interested in translated fiction.This novel by famed Catalan author Jaume Cabre seems, on the outset, to be rather pedestrian. In the first few pages, we learn that the novel is the protagonists (Adria Ardevol) attempt to write an autobiography. However, the novel is much more than the simple account of one life. The novel frequently switches from one narrator and time period to another,
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